Bell Family Photographs
Abraham Bell of Stramore is the ancestor of the Bell Family from Bayside. Originally a British citizen who moved to Ireland as a Quaker, he eventually immigrated to New York and purchased 765 ft of land on Broadway, New York City and 397 ft on 6th Ave between 41st and 43rd streets. Abraham eventually purchased the lands which is now known as Bayside from Timothy Matlack.
Married April 23, 1812 to Mary C. Christy (1786-1832). Buried in plot 4076-9/31, Vernal Ave., Dale Water, Greenwood Cemetery, NY.
Co-owned a shipping company, Greenock-NY that carried freight and passengers across the Atlantic.
He was the third son of Abraham Bell and Mary Toppin.
Brinton C.(Chambers) Bell was the son of Abraham Bell, [II](1841-1914). He attended Swarthmore College (graduating class of 1898) in Pennsylvania and became a Christian Scientist in his later years. Brinton was employed by Rickert Finlay Co. Real Estate developers in 1902 and developed Bell Court and supervised the development of Douglas Manor and other areas in Queens. He at one point resided in 4100 Bell Ave., Bayside.
Married Helen Brown Gillies of Flushing on November 4/7, 1900.
Interred in Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Eliza Hough Bell, Jr. was the sixth and last child of Abraham Bell, [II](1841-1914). and Melissa Chambers Bell(1848-1927).
Resided in 38-08 Bell Boulevard, Bayside, N.Y.
Wife of Thomas Christy Bell, [Sr.](1815-1864), married in April 9 1840. Eliza was a member of the Swarthmore College Board of Managers from 1862-1882.
Edgar T. Bell was the fifth child of Abraham Bell [II](1941-1914) and Melissa Chambers(1848-1927). Married 1918 to Pearl Elizabeth Wilson.
Daughter of Abraham Bell [II](1841-1914) and Melissa Rebecca Chambers Bell(1848-1927).
Graduate of Swarthmore College in year 1899. She was an active member of Bayside Historical Society.
Resided in 38-08 Bell Ave., Bayside, N.Y.
Fourth child of Abraham Bell, [II](1841-1914) and Melissa Rebecca Chambers(1848-1927). Graduated from Swarthmore College in 1904.
Resided in 171 Bell Avenue, also known as 3808 Bell Boulevard.
Third child and second son of Abraham Bell, [I](1778-1856). Married April 9, 1840 to Eliza Hough Jackson (1813-1901).
First child of Abraham Bell [II](1841-1914) and Melissa R. Chambers(1848-1927). Married Sep. 5, 1905 to Ella E. Holley (b. Nov. 17, 1886).